Yes. You can get instant cash savings at any Shoprite, Checkers, Checkers Hyper or LiquorShop across the country.1.Your card will be activated with a rand amount selected by you & shown on the receipt.
You can choose an amount between R50 and R10,000 to be loaded onto the Card. You can
use your card at any of the retail supermarket outlets conducted by Shoprite Checkers (Pty)
Ltd, including Shoprite, Shoprite Hyper, Checkers and Checkers Hyper stores.
2.You cannot draw cash from your card and it will be closed on the expiry date & the value
remaining in the card will not be refunded to you. We may choose to revoke your card at
any time. 3. The bearer of the gift card will be deemed to be the bona fide owner of such card.
4. The Consumer Protection Act, legislates a validity period of three years for gift cards.
Your gift card will not expire until the full value is redeemed or a date three years after the
date of issue, whichever is the earlier. Only the person whose signature is on the card can
use it. Sign your card in ink as soon as you receive it. Your card must be cut in half once the
funds have been spent or after the expiry date. You will not be sent any correspondence or
statements. We will always be the owner of the card. We reserve the right to limit the
number of cards you may purchase.
5. You will not be able to use the card to purchase goods or services over the telephone or
Internet. When you use your card you must sign a transaction slip. When you use your
card, we will process the transaction against your available card balance.
6.No warranties, purchase protection, insurance, other promises or services are provided.
Once you have paid, you cannot stop payment of the transaction. You are responsible for
keeping track of the transactions on your card. The Card will not have a PIN.
7. You will not be charged transaction fees for using the card within our retail supermarket
outlets & you will not be paid interest on funds in the card.
8. If you lose your card or if it is stolen you will lose all funds in your card. Call 0800010709
if you lose your card or it is stolen.
9.This gift card may not be refunded or exchanged for cash or credit.
10. We may change these terms & conditions without giving you notice. You may not
change these terms & conditions.