How do I register a rebuilt car? The registration of rebuilt vehicles can be a frustrating experience if the proper procedure is not followed. It could lead to the impoundment of the vehicle and in extreme cases the confiscation of the vehicle. It is very important that neither the vehicle number nor the engine number is tampered with particularly the vehicle identification plate on later models. If for any reason you wish to remove this plate for example to galvanize the chassis, take the vehicle to the police vehicle unit first and tell them what you want to do. This procedure to register and license a vehicle was followed in Gauteng, so may differ slightly from area to area. It is based on having put two rebuilt Series Land Rovers through the registration process. If you have additional useful information or a different procedure in your area let us know. The police anti-theft units showed no interest in the identification plate inside the vehicle on the firewall on these occasions. (On a third occasion more recently they only looked at the plate) They immediately look for the vehicle (chassis) number on the left front spring hanger. This presents some problems as some vehicles do not have this number stamped there. This is generally the case for Series 3 vehicles. Although it is illegal to stamp this number on the chassis I have heard that it is done if there is 100% certainty that the number is correct. It can save an awful lot of unnecessary frustration. STEP 1 1. Go to the licensing authority in the area where you live and obtain a RPI form (Request for Police Identification) and also a BVK/SOA form (Affidavit in respect of built-up vehicle). On this form you will need to state that you built up the vehicle from two or more vehicles. Receipts of the purchase of the vehicle and parts must be attached. I have found that it is not necessary to have all the receipts – a few will suffice. You must let a Commissioner of Oaths (or a police officer) stamp and sign the form. 2. Also get a temporary permit.(without a road-worthy certificate you will get a three day permit). You will need the chassis and engine number. STEP 2 1. Take the vehicle to the police anti theft unit indicated on the RPI. Make sure that the engine and chassis numbers are easy to read. 2. Make sure that the officer filling out the RPI form describes the vehicle properly e.g. MAKE Land Rover (not Toyota as was the case with the last vehicle that I registered. The officer thought that Land Rovers are made by Toyota) and SERIES Series 2A LWB. This is important as this will determine the description of the vehicle on all subsequent documentation. 3. Make sure that the engine and chassis (vehicle) numbers are correct on the form. 4. I have not been required to take the vehicle back to the police for clearance (see Step 4). It would be best to verify this. STEP 3 1. Get the vehicle weighed. Leave off all excess stuff such as the spare wheel as this weight will determine the license fee. You must use a weigh bridge that issues a form on which the engine and chassis numbers are printed together with the weight of the vehicle. It is best if you use a municipal weigh bridge. 2. You can at this stage get a road-worthy certificate but do it before you hand the papers in at the licensing authority as the test station will need to get information off the RPI form. Make sure that the particulars of the vehicle are given correctly on the certificate as the registering authority will use these details on the final documents. Check in particular the description of the vehicle and the number of passengers you will be permitted to carry. 3. Take all the documents to the licensing authority who will send the papers to Pretoria for the vehicle to be introduced to NATIS. NATIS stands for National Traffic Identification System. You will be phoned when the papers are returned from Pretoria. 4. It can take anything from 3 days to 3 weeks for this step. I have had my papers back within a week. Krugersdorp licensing authority sends all their papers to Pretoria on a particular day of the week. Check if yours does too and get your papers to them the day before. STEP 4 1. Collect the papers, which will now include a RPC ( Request for Police Clearance) form, from the licensing authority and take them back to the police. Have the officer that carried out the RPI sign the RPC and have the vehicles particulars entered into the police records. 2. Obtain a road-worthy certificate for the vehicle if this has not yet been done (see Step 4 2). You will need another temporary permit for the vehicle. The test station will require the RPC form to get the vehicles details. 3. Take all the papers to your licensing authority for the registration of the vehicle. The papers should be as follows: RPI BVK/SOA plus receipts certified by a Commissioner of Oaths. Weigh bridge certificate RPC Road-worthy certificate Your (or the owners) ID book