how do you signup for netflix? Visit Choose the plan that’s right for you. You can downgrade or upgrade at anytime. Create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Enter a payment method. That’s it. Stream on!Welcome to Netflix! Below you’ll find some information to get you started. If you don’t see a topic covered here, try searching for it on our Help Center. If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to learn more, visit What is Netflix? Signing in Once you’ve opened the Netflix app or Netflix website, select Sign In to access your account and begin watching TV shows and movies. You can sign in on any Netflix-compatible device, or on multiple compatible devices. If you experience any issues, review the troubleshooting steps at Can’t sign in to Netflix. If you don’t have the Netflix app, visit How to download the Netflix app. Creating profiles You can create profiles for members in your household, allowing them to have their own personalized Netflix experience. Your account can have up to five individual profiles, and you can set a maturity rating level on each one. Each profile will have its own recommendations based on that profile’s ratings and tastes. Finding TV shows and movies You can search for titles you’re interested in or browse suggestions provided by Netflix. Once you start viewing and rating titles, Netflix will show recommendations. You can also enable subtitles, captions, or alternate audio on many titles, or browse titles with your preferred subtitle or audio language. Managing your account You can update your account information at any time, and change your email, phone number, or membership plan by selecting the Account option within the Netflix menu. With Profile & Parental Controls, you can also adjust content controls, such as playback preferences, language, and subtitles. The articles below can help you learn how to manage your account. Creating a Netflix account is easy. Keep your credit card on hand, because you’ll need it. Go to in your web browser and select Start Your Free Month from the homepage. You can sign up through your Facebook account (the advantage to this is that you’ll be able to discover new shows by seeing what your friends are watching) or by entering an email and password. Select Register. Select the type of subscription you want (one screen, two screens or four screens) and the method of payment you’ll be using. Netflix accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX) as well as PayPal.Enter your credit card information (NOTE: though it’s not shown here, you may need to provide your mailing code if you are using Netflix in the United States and certain other countries). Then, check off that you are over 18 and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Then click Start Membership. Once you click Start Membership, you’ll be redirected to the homepage, where you can browse TV shows and movies to instantly begin streaming. Whether or not you intend to continue your subscription, you’ll still get the first month of your subscription free, and will not be billed for that month.