How long is teaching degree at Varsity College? INTRODUCTION The IIE Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Foundation Phase Teaching (FPT) is an undergraduate professional qualification aimed at preparing graduates to teach learners from Grades R to 3. This four-year Bachelor’s degree is structured in accordance with the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ) (2015). It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework’s (HEQSF) guidelines. The degree will equip Foundation Phase classroom teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies for employability and further specialization studies, in support of the principles of life-long learning. This BEd degree provides a fundamental and comprehensive education underpinned by subject knowledge in the teaching of all three Foundation Phase subjects (Language, Mathematics and Life Skills) for Grades 1 to 3. It additionally enables Foundation Phase teachers to prepare Grade R learners for formal learning. There is an integrated focus on educational theory and methodology, aligned with the requirements for a professionally qualified beginner teacher.To be registered as a candidate you must have satisfied the admission requirements as set out below: NSC: Degree pass with English 50% and FAL* 40% NC (V): Degree pass with English 50% and FAL* 50% SC: Endorsement with English 50% and FAL* 40% SC(a): Degree pass with English 50% and FAL* 40% ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SAQA ID: 96408 NQF Level 7 (480 credits) Notes Additional Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Education: English • The degree is delivered in English and this is known as the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the BEd degree. All applicants must have achieved a minimum of 50% in English on their NSC/SC/ equivalent qualification – whether as a Home Language (HL) or First Additional Language (FAL) First Additional Language (FAL)* • All applicants to the BEd programmes must have obtained at least a Level 3 (40%) at the NSC or equivalent level, as a HL or FAL, in the language they are seeking to study as a FAL* in the BEd OR • Must demonstrate language proficiency (LP) in the selected FAL BEd language/s. To be admitted via this option, candidates are required to pass a language proficiency test in the relevant language. A cognate Higher Certificate OR cognate 240*FAL: The language you seek to study as your First Additional Language (language offers are campus dependant) IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL applicants, regardless of route of entry to the BEd programmes, are required to meet the indicated additional language requirements for the selected English and for FAL. English: In the case of those students who have already graduated from an appropriate initial higher education qualification such as a Higher Certificate or Senior Certificate students with Endorsement, the English requirement may be waived on successful completion of an appropriate proficiency test. FAL: Those who do not meet the FAL requirement on their NSC/equivalent must demonstrate proficiency in the selected FAL. Please note, requirements for entry to this qualification are correct at the time of printing, however, these may change. At the time of registration, please check that the entry requirements have not changed. Should you have any other school leaving qualification not mentioned above, please contact a student advisor. Process colours for uncoated stock C – 24 M – 0 Y – 90 K – 0 C – 95 M – 35 Y – 38 K – 35 C – 95 M – 15 Y – 30 K – 0 Process colours for uncoated stock C – 2 4 M – 0 Y – 9 0 K – 0 C – 9 5 M – 3 5 Y – 3 8 K – 3 5 C – 9 5 M – 15 Y – 3 0 K – 0 YEAR 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Professional Subjects Introduction to Personal Computing English for Education First Additional Languages: Afrikaans/IsiXhosa/IsiZulu/Northern Sotho Communicative Languages: Afrikaans/IsiXhosa/IsiZulu/Northern Sotho Introduction to Scholarship A Professional Themes Psychology for Educators 1A Psychology for Educators 1B Early Childhood T&L Environment Professional Didactics I TFP* Life Skills: Early Childhood Art TFP* English First & FAL 1B: Emergent Language TFP* Life Skills: Movement Gr R TFP* Emergent Mathematics 1 TFP* English First & FAL 1A: Children’s Literature Teaching Experience 1 (Year Long) YEAR 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Professional Themes Child Development ICT Integration into the Classroom Inclusive Education A Inclusive Education B Professional Didactics II TFP* English First & FAL 2: Reading and Phonics TFP* Handwriting TFP* Life Skills: Beginning Knowledge – Natural Science & Technology TFP* Life Skills: Beginning Knowledge Social Sciences TFP* Mathematics 2A TFP* Mathematics 2B Teaching Experience 2 (Year Long) INPCf110 FAFR6121/FALX6121 FALZ6121/FALN6111 ITSA5111 EFRP6211 LSBK6211 TMNO6211 PSED5111 ECTL6111 LSCA5111 LSMO5111 CDLT6211 INED7211 PSED5112 ENED6122 COLA5112/COLX5112/ COLZ5112/COLN5112 EFEL5112 TMEM5112 EFCL5112 TEXP5119 ICTC6212 INED7212 HAND6212 LSBK6212 TMPF6212 TEXP621YEAR 3 Semester 5 Semester 6 Professional Subjects Multicultural Education Assessment in the FP Classroom Professional Ethics Social Education Professional Didactics III TFP* English First and FAL 3 TFP* FAL: Afrikaans B/IsiXhosa B /IsiZulu B/Northern Sotho B TFP* FAL: Afrikaans A/IsiXhosa A /IsiZulu A/Northern Sotho A TFP* Mathematics 3B TFP* Mathematics 3A Teaching Experience 3 (Year Long) YEAR 4 Semester 7 Semester 8 Professional Themes Foundations of Education Education Research Practice Introduction to Education Research Educational Management Professional Didactics IV TFP* Life Skills: Drama OR; TFP* Life Skills: Music TFP* Life Skills Personal and Social well-being TFP* Life Skills: Physical Education Problem Solving and Creativity TTeaching Experience 4 (Year Long) MCED7311 PRET7311 FOED7411 INER7411 TRPR7411 LSPD6411 LSPM6411 LSPE6411 LSPS6412 PRCC7412 TEXP7419 ERPR7412 EDMA7412 TRPR7412 AFPC7312 SOCE7312 EFWI7311 TALA6311/TALX6311/ TALZ6311/TALN6311 TMSS6311 TALA7312/TALX7312/ TALZ7312/TALN7312 TMMD7312 TEXP7319 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES • Teaching (Grades R – 3) • Tutoring • School Management (may require further study and/or experience)