How many chapters are there in each book of the Bible? Whether you’re trying to determine which book of the Bible to memorize or you just want some fun Bible trivia facts, below is a list of all 66 books of the Bible as well as: How many chapters are in each book of the Bible How many verses are in each book of the Bible The average verses per chapter in every book of the Bible We’re not including word count in this list since that changes dramatically based on the version of the Bible that you’re using. However, for the most part, the Bible sections (number of chapters and verses) remains constant. Below you’ll find the chapter and verse counts for each book in the Old Testament and the New Testament, that way if you’re wanting to read or memorize a chapter from the Bible, you can see how long it is. Chapters and Verses in the Old Testament of the Bible Chapters Verses Avg Verse/Chapter Genesis 50 1533 31 Exodus 40 1213 30 Leviticus 27 859 32 Numbers 36 1288 36 Deuteronomy 34 959 28 Joshua 24 658 27 Judges 21 618 29 Ruth 4 85 21 1 Samuel 31 810 26 2 Samuel 24 695 29 1 Kings 22 816 37 2 Kings 25 719 29 1 Chronicles 29 942 32 2 Chronicles 36 822 23 Ezra 10 280 28 Nehemiah 13 406 31 Esther 10 167 17 Job 42 1070 25 Psalms 150 2461 16 Proverbs 31 915 29 Ecclesiastes 12 222 18 Song of Songs 8 117 15 Isaiah 66 1292 20 Jeremiah 52 1364 26 Lamentations 5 154 31 Ezekiel 48 1273 26 Daniel 12 357 30 Hosea 14 197 14 Joel 3 73 24 Amos 9 146 16 Obadiah 1 21 21 Jonah 4 48 12 Micah 7 105 15 Nahum 3 47 16 Habakkuk 3 56 19 Zephaniah 3 53 18 Haggai 2 38 19 Zechariah 14 211 15 Malachi 4 55 14 Chapters & Verses in the New Testament of the Bible Chapters Verses Avg Verse/Chapter Matthew 28 1071 38 Mark 16 678 42 Luke 24 1151 48 John 21 879 42 Acts 28 1007 36 Romans 16 433 27 1 Corinthians 16 437 27 2 Corinthians 13 257 20 Galatians 6 149 25 Ephesians 6 155 26 Philippians 4 104 26 Colossians 4 95 24 1 Thessalonians 5 89 18 2 Thessalonians 3 47 16 1 Timothy 6 113 19 2 Timothy 4 83 21 Titus 3 46 15 Philemon 1 25 25 Hebrews 13 303 23 James 5 108 22 1 Peter 5 105 21 2 Peter 3 61 20 1 John 5 105 21 2 John 1 13 13 3 John 1 14 14 Jude 1 25 25 Revelation 22 404 18 Additional Bible-Related Facts and Numbers In addition to answering the question about how many chapters are in each book of the Bible, here are a few additional fun facts worth knowing. How many chapters are in the Old Testament? There are 929 chapters across 39 books of the Old Testament of the Bible. How many chapters are in the New Testament? There are 260 chapters across 27 books of the Bible. How many chapters are in the Bible? There are 1,189 chapters within the 66 books that make up the modern Bible. How many verses are in the Bible? There are 31,102 verses in the Bible, which is made up of 23,145 verses in the Old Testament and 7,957 verses in the New Testament. What is the longest chapter in the Bible? The longest chapter is Psalm 119, which has a total of 176 verses. How many words are in the Bible? Because there are so many different translations of the Bible, and each translation uses a different number of words for each verse, chapter and book, this is a difficult question to answer. In general, the English Bible runs around 785,000 words in length.