How to Check unemployment Insurance Status You will be mailed a Determination of Unemployment Compensation about your monetary eligibility and, if there are any questions about your claim, you will be mailed one or more Determination of Eligibility documents about your non-monetary eligibility. This review can take time to process. You can check the status of your claim and review any notices or determinations issued to you by logging into your Workforce Connect account and clicking on the File for Benefits button to access your claim information. Companies and Close Corporations that have at least one employee that works for them for at least 24 hours in a month must register for both Compensation Fund and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). No application should be submitted until there are employees. Note that directors and members are not regarded as employees. The application for both Compensation Fund and UIF is free of charge. The registration for Compensation Fund and UIF on BizPortal is combined into one form. Please note that the processing of applications for both Compensation Fund and UIF is completely dependant on the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL). When we, BizPortal (CIPC), receive applications, we instantly send them to DEL for processing. We have no control over how or when they process the applications. They send us back a registration number once they have processed an application. Use the BizProfile option to check if your application has been processed. Your Compensation Fund and UIF registration numbers will be displayed under the “other” section. Contact both the Compensation Fund and the UIF to submit declarations. Note that you will not receive any communication from them. After your registration has been completed you need to login on their websites to submit your declarations. For any related queries, please contact Compensation Fund and/or UIF directly.