What are signs you should stop working while pregnant? If your job is strenuous, you’re around harmful chemicals, or you have certain pregnancy complications, you might have to modify your tasks or stop working. (There are laws in place that protect you from discrimination because of pregnancy, and you may be able to receive disability benefits.) But in most circumstances – and while making sure you’re taking good care of you and your baby – working while pregnant is safe. Read on for more information on pregnancy and work, including what to know about when (and if) you need to stop working, how to understand your workplace rights, and how to manage (or hide) pregnancy symptoms at work. Whether or not you’re able to continue working while pregnant depends on your specific job. If you’re healthy and aren’t at a higher risk for pregnancy complications, and your job doesn’t involve exposure to harmful chemicals or isn’t physically demanding, you can likely work right up until your due date. Every job is different, and many professions outside traditional office settings are likely safe to continue during pregnancy, but if you have to be on your feet for hours at a time or you do a lot of heavy lifting, you may have to talk to your manager about modifying some of your tasks. All jobs take different physical, emotional, and mental tolls, so there’s no hard and fast rule on when to begin your maternity leave. You’ll likely need to weigh all your options, including your health and financial situation, to figure out what’s best for you and your baby. If you do continue working until your baby is born, cut yourself some slack, and be sure to rest (or simply sit down) whenever it’s possible. If you can afford to start your maternity leave a week or two before your due date, consider using that time to rest up, prepare, and take care of yourself. If your job is strenuous: If your job requires demanding physical labor, you’ll likely need to make modifications during your pregnancy. Studies have shown that women who work physically strenuous jobs while pregnant are at a higher risk of potential pregnancy complications. Be straightforward with your healthcare provider about what your job entails so they can help you come up with a plan that makes sense for your situation. If you have a physically taxing job, you’ll have to decide how you can modify it during your pregnancy. If your job requires you to be on your feet a lot while pregnant, take breaks and sit down as often as you can. When you’re standing, walk in place periodically or do gentle stretches to increase blood flow. If possible, switch to a type of work that is less grueling. For example, if your manager approves, consider swapping tasks with a co-worker so you do the desk work while they handle the responsibilities that require walking and standing. If you have some PTO days to spare, try to take an occasional day off to relieve fatigue. This is especially important in the second and third trimesters. And of course, if you feel run down, listen to your body and rest at home (or work from home when possible), and take a day off as needed. If you work around toxic chemicals: If you work at a job where you come into contact with known reproductive hazards – such as heavy metals (like lead and mercury), organic solvents or other chemicals, certain biologic agents, or radiation – you’ll need to let your doctor know ASAP, as well as alter your work environment. These substances are teratogens, which if exposed to during or even prior to pregnancy, can cause such problems as miscarriage, preterm delivery, structural birth defects, and abnormal fetal and infant development. These hazards are commonly found in computer chip factories, dry-cleaning plants, rubber factories, operating rooms, toll booths, nail salons, pottery studios, ship-building plants, and printing presses, among others. Ask your employer to provide you with information about any harmful substances you may be exposed to at work. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires that chemical manufacturers and importers thoroughly evaluate the chemicals they produce and create a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to let users know about potential hazards. Your employer should provide you with an SDS for any chemical you may come in contact with. If you have any concerns about health hazards at your workplace, bring the SDS with you to your next prenatal visit with your healthcare provider. Complications that might prevent you from working while pregnant You may have to stop working or reduce your hours during your pregnancy if: You’re at risk for preterm labor, which includes women who are expecting twins or multiples. You have high blood pressure or are at risk for preeclampsia. You’ve been diagnosed with placenta previa. You have a cervical insufficiency or a history of stillbirth, preterm birth, or late miscarriage. Your baby isn’t growing properly or you have intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Depending on your particular diagnosis and how severe it is, your doctor might put you on pregnancy bed rest, which restricts your activity in some capacity. (Total bed rest is usually not recommended, but limitations can often include cutting back on work hours.) Additionally, these diagnoses could induce stress and anxiety during pregnancy, which could lead to additional complications. What happens if I can’t work while I’m pregnant? If your healthcare provider determines that working while pregnant isn’t safe for you and your baby or may lead to more complications, they will either recommend you take precautions on the job or provide written proof to your employer that you’re unable to work. There may be some workarounds: For example, if you’re put on bed rest but you work a desk job, your manager and healthcare provider may be okay with you working remotely. But if working from home isn’t possible, it’s best to follow your provider’s orders and stop working until after your baby is born. The thought of not being able to work – and receive a regular paycheck – while pregnant can be terrifying, especially as you embark on some major life changes. But if you receive health insurance through your employer, talk to your HR department to see if you’re entitled to receive short-term disability benefits. You may also be eligible for low-cost prenatal care through a nonprofit organization like Planned Parenthood. Other nonprofits such as A Better Balance can help you understand your rights. (Check out more financial resources for pregnant women). Pregnancy discrimination: Understanding your workplace rights If your healthcare provider determines it’s not safe for you to continue working while pregnant, know that there are pregnancy discrimination laws that protect you from getting fired because of your pregnancy. In the U.S., federal legislation helps ensure that your job is safe throughout your pregnancy and for at least some of your postpartum and recovery period. Pregnancy Discrimination Act The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) states that if you’re capable of performing your job duties, you can’t be fired, laid off, or paid less than your non-pregnant cohorts. You also can’t be overlooked for a promotion or a new job because you’re pregnant. Under the PDA, if you need to take a leave of absence due to a pregnancy complication, your employer must offer you the same leave options as other workers with temporary disabilities. That includes providing the same disability leave to you, with or without pay. Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects pregnant women who may be experiencing complications, though pregnancy itself is not considered a disability. Pregnancy complications covered by the ADA include but are not limited to: pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related sciatica, and preeclampsia. Under the ADA, if a prenatal complication prevents you from being able to work as you did before you were pregnant – for example, standing for long periods of time or doing heavy lifting – your boss may be obligated to make accommodations. These include temporarily assigning you less physical work, or allowing you to work from home if possible, as long as the change doesn’t cause your employer undue hardship (significant difficulty or expense). Employers with at least 15 employees are legally obligated to comply with the PDA and the ADA. If your company is not covered, check with the U.S. Department of Labor to see if your state has similar nondiscrimination employment laws. The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) states that any private company with more than 50 employees is required to offer eligible workers – those who have been employed by the company for at least 12 months –12 weeks of time off for a pregnancy-related absence or to take care of a newborn, adopted child, or foster child. Many states also have individual family leave provisions – as do many individual businesses – so check with your HR department to see what other options might be available to you. How to handle pregnancy and work Many women tell their boss they’re pregnant sometime shortly after the first trimester. Let your HR department know as well – they’ll walk you through your company’s maternity leave policies and let you know if you get additional family leave benefits beyond FMLA, if that’s available to you. If you have morning sickness at work: About 70 percent of women experience nausea or vomiting at some point during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, and chances are it will hit you at work. Talk to your provider about treatments to relieve morning sickness – though many women don’t get relief until into the second trimester. If you’re having trouble keeping food down, pack yourself a “morning sickness kit” for the office, with toothpaste and mouthwash. Prepare yourself for the chance that some well-meaning coworkers might ask you if you’re feeling okay if they see you dashing to the bathroom. (If you’re working remotely, it may be a little easier to keep your morning sickness under wraps.) If your morning sickness is especially severe and prolonged – or you’ve been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, which can require hospitalization – you may find it beneficial to tell your boss you’re pregnant earlier than you planned, so they know what you’re going through. Before you tell your boss your news, figure out if you’ll want to request any special accommodations. If you’re afraid people won’t take you seriously because you’re pregnant: Pregnancy is a big change, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to excel at your job. Many women have worked through very difficult circumstances and pregnancies. Though you may deal with pregnancy complications that can make it harder to focus on work at various points, overall you may find that pregnancy helps you focus on the essentials and prioritize. It’s okay to talk about your pregnancy as much or as little as you want at work. You’ll learn what feels right for you and your own situation. But if you’re in a healthy work environment, your team will likely be supportive and helpful – especially if you’re having a rough day. Know that it’s okay – and perhaps even necessary – to grab a few moments of alone time throughout the day, whether you need to take a call from your healthcare provider or go to a prenatal appointment. If you have to travel for work: Most women with healthy pregnancies can travel safely during pregnancy, but talk to your healthcare provider about your plans first, especially if you’re well into your third trimester or if you’re going far from home. It’s a good idea to carry a copy of your medical records with you in case of an emergency. Airlines typically allow healthy pregnant women to fly domestically until about 36 weeks, but international flights may have earlier cut-offs. Ask whoever is booking your flights to double check these regulations with the carrier. Many employers may have COVID-19 travel policies in place, meaning they’re following CDC guidelines as it pertains to business travel during the pandemic. If you have questions about being a working parent at your company: If you work with other parents of young children or expecting moms, seek out their support and advice when appropriate. You might want to ask your more experienced colleagues questions that pertain to being pregnant at work, such as: What was your maternity leave proposal like? How did co-workers react when you announced your pregnancy? How did you stay productive when feeling tired or under the weather? How did you handle absentmindedness? Are there any support groups – virtual or in-person – for new parents? What’s your approach to balancing work and family? Is your manager open to a flexible work arrangement? How to stay comfortable at work during pregnancy Take breaks. If you’ve been standing still for a while, sit and put your feet up or walk around. Moving the muscles can help with swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy. Keep moving. If you work a sedentary job, stand up and walk around at least every hour (or ideally every thirty minutes). While you’re up, do a few stretching exercises to help relieve or prevent any lower back pain, which is common in pregnancy.