What are the 10 phases of flight? 10 phases of flight Phases of Flight Pre-departure. This is the preparation time for flight. … Clearance to Taxi. … Take-off. … Initial climb. … Climb to cruise altitude. … Cruise altitude. … Descent. … Approach.As defined in the regulation, critical phases of flight are all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff, and landing, and all other flight operations below 10,000 feet except cruise flight.In aeronautics, the final approach (also called the final leg and final approach leg) is the last leg in an aircraft’s approach to landing, when the aircraft is lined up with the runway and descending for landing. In aviation radio terminology, it is often shortened to “final”.There are three stages of fight-or-flight: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion, the body’s healthy response to a life-threatening crisis. What are the 5 stages of flying? “’Critical phases of flight’ in the case of aeroplanes means the take-off run, the take-off flight path, the final approach, the missed approach, the landing, including the landing roll, and any other phases of flight as determined by the pilot-in-command or commander. What are the 4 basics of flight? The four fundamentals (straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents) are the principle maneuvers that control the airplane through the six motions of flight. What is the most difficult stage of flight? Landing is the most difficult stage of flight, requesting very high pilotage skills from pilots [1]. Landing is accomplished by slowing down and descending to the runway. This speed reduction is accomplished by reducing thrust and/or inducing a greater amount of drag using flaps, landing gear or speed brakes. What phase of flight do most accidents occur? Nearly Half of All Aviation Crashes Happen During Landing or Takeoff. One fact becomes clear after looking at historic aviation crash data and focusing on the phase of flight during which the crash took place: Landing and Takeoff are the most complex phases of flight for any airplane. What are the six motions of flight? An airplane rotates in bank, pitch, and yaw while also moving horizontally, vertically, and laterally. The four fundamentals (straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents) are the principal maneuvers that control the airplane through the six motions of flight. What do pilots say before takeoff? “Let’s kick the tires and light the fires” Famously uttered by Harry Connick Jr. in Independence Day, the military phrase signals that a plane is just about ready for takeoff, says Mark Baker, a commercial pilot of 35 years and current president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). What do you call a pilots last flight? Known throughout the services as the ‘Fini flight’, this tradition once celebrated aircrew milestones. In these times, the final flight commemorates an aviators career accomplishments and a successful final mission. What do pilots say when landing? “Cleared for the ILS, runway three four” (follow the Instrument Landing System, an electronic guidance system, to runway 34) “Cleared for the visual, runway one seven” (look out the window, find runway 17, and fly to it) “Cleared to land, runway two seven Right” (The pilot has permission to land on Runway 27 Right) What are the 7 stressors of flight? The stresses of flight include hypoxia, gravitational forces, barometric pressure changes, thermal changes, vibration, humidity, noise, and fatigue. What are the 5 Ps of flight? You might simply write these words on your kneeboard, or add a reference to 5Ps to your checklist for key decision points during the flight. These include preflight, pre-takeoff, cruise, pre-descent, and just prior to the final approach fix or, for VFR operations, just prior to entering the traffic pattern. Why do planes run before taking off? A: Most planes use a long runway before takeoff to gain enough speed for the plane to lift up into the air. Most airplanes can take off only if they are moving fast enough. The force of lift needs to be stronger than the force of weight. Why do pilots say rotate before takeoff? During the takeoff roll, the pilot monitoring the displays (PM) will call out the two important speeds: V1 and rotate. This indicates to the pilot flying the aircraft (PF) when they are beyond the safe stopping speed and when to rotate the aircraft into the air. What do pilots call enemy planes? Bandit – An enemy aircraft. This is a refinement of the general category of bogey. Bingo – A fuel state at which the aircraft should stop performing its mission, whether training or combat, and start returning to its base or heading for aerial refueling. What do pilots call on crash? If distress, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAY-DAY; if urgency, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN. What do pilots say for yes? Affirm: Contrary to popular belief, pilots do not say “affirmative” when they mean yes – the correct term is affirm, pronounced “AY-firm. What do pilots see when flying? The Horizon Whether flying at night or during the day, pilots need to see some kind of horizon. They use this to determine the airplane’s attitude. At night pilots will turn their gaze from outside to inside and use the artificial horizon. The artificial horizon is normally a simply globe split into two hemispheres. Why do pilots say heavy? Wake turbulence poses a major risk to other aircraft, so pilots and ATC use the term “heavy” in radio transmissions as a reminder that the aircraft’s wake may be dangerous to others passing behind or below the flightpath of these larger-mass aircraft. What are the 3 6 rules in aviation? For larger aircraft, typically people use some form of the 3/6 Rule: 3 times the altitude (in thousands of feet) you have to lose is the distance back to start the descent; 6 times your groundspeed is your descent rate. What are the 3 main flight controls? The ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder constitute the primary control system and are required to control an aircraft safely during flight. What are the rules of flight? Flight rules are regulations and procedures adopted for flying aircraft in various conditions. Flight rule regimes include: Instrument flight rules, regulations and procedures for flying aircraft by referring only to the aircraft instrument panel for navigation.