What are the five objectives of ECOWAS? Let us understand the vision of ECOWAS as a system before getting into its aims and objectives. The main idea was to create an integrated union with representatives that can represent it to the world. It also includes the exploration of opportunities under sustainable environments. With ECOWAS, the population can enjoy free movement and special standards for trading in the whole region. 1. Implementation of Infrastructural Schemes. The joint development means joint infrastructure schemes, like communication, transport, energy, etc. Therefore, the development of standards of all country-members in the community can be realized. 2. Abolition of trade restrictions and Customs Duties. One of the greatest objectives for ECOWAS is to destroy boundaries to assist in the development of the countries within the zone. It creates additional protection for goods which are created within this zone. That way, manufacturers are more protected and have better opportunities to sell these products. Customers can also benefit from this option as the price of goods becomes cheaper. 3. Establishment of Common Fund .This is another great opportunity offered by ECOWAS! A common fund provides better security options for countries within the union. It also helps facilitate the cooperation between the countries. In addition, it serves as a security measure or compensation to help any of the countries that needs assistance. The Common Fund is another great option for the development of all countries within the union. 4. Harmonization of Agricultural, Economic, Monetary and Industrial Policies .One of the objectives of ECOWAS is to create a united policy which can satisfy the unique needs of every country member. It eliminates misunderstanding between country-members. At the same time, it provides the general requirements and standards for policies in Industrial, Monetary, Economic and Agricultural areas. 5. Promotion of Cooperation and development .This is an important objective for the countries who are in the ECOWAS system. The development is not limited by the economic abilities of the region. It also includes social contacts between the representatives of various nations, religious groups, etc. They cooperate to foster development in these states. The cooperation also includes special offers for the members of the community. The fifteen African countries share business strategies and technologies to boost their economies. They also compete with each other to get the best results. This can foster the diplomatic and economic relations between the countries.