What are the problems facing ECOWAS? Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Commission President, Jean-Claude K. Brou has expressed worry over challenges the West African sub-region is facing with regards to free movement of persons and goods despite giant success made. According to the Commission President a lot of progress has been made compared to other regional blocks, stressing that ECOWAS has dealt with the issues of visa. He further pointed out that the sub-regional community lawmakers do see challenges “citizens” of the West African sub-region face the harassment, as the Parliament has embarked on trips across member states to assess the situation on the ground during their field trips. He added that this is something that should be worked on, the Commission is playing its role and the member states are those who are implementing the regional regulations hence the need to work together. ECOWASIn addition, the Commission did not want to go into details in its report, there are a lot of tariffs but we say we do not pay duties when goods get to the borders, “there are duties put in place which are not recognised at the community level but in reality traders are told they have to pay”, when he was responding to questions on the floor after presenting state of the Community to lawmakers. Problemsfacing, ECOWAS are: Political Instability in memberstates. This results in different approach to ECOWAS issues byleaders of member states. Inadequate finance: Many membersstates do not fulfill their financial obligation as atand when due. This is crippling the effective operationof ECOWAS. Colonial linkage to erstwhilemaster is another factor affecting ECOWAS. Francophonenations that are members of ECOWAS may not lend theirweight to matters of the organisation that will negativelyaffects France. Difference in currency isaffecting the volume of economic transactions in the sub region. The free movement of citizens is’causing concern as countries like Nigeria iswitnessing excessive influx of citizens of other ECOWASCountries.