What is the current money market rate in South Africa? Indicator Value Last Period Movement Money Market Rates (5) i Repo rate 8.25 2023-11-27 Sabor (4) 8.208 2023-11-24 Zaronia 8.155 2023-11-24 Overnight FX rate (4) 8.040 2023-11-24 Treasury bills – 91 day (tender rates) 8.45 2023-11-24 Treasury bills – 182 day (tender rates) 8.66 2023-11-24 Treasury bills – 273 day (tender rates) 8.60 2023-11-24 Treasury bills – 364 day (tender rates) 8.42 2023-11-24 NCD’s – 3 months (closing rates) (3) 8.37 2023-11-24 NCD’s – 6 months (closing rates) (3) 8.69 2023-11-24 NCD’s – 12 months (closing rates) (3) 9.09 2023-11-24 Jibar – 3 months 8.37 2023-11-24 Prime lending rate 11.75 2023-11-27 Capital Market Rates (6) i 8.00% 2030 (R2030) (closing yields) 10.11 2023-11-23 10,5% 2026 (R186) (closing yields) 8.93 2023-11-23 5-10 years (daily average bond yields) 10.16 2023-11-24 10 years and longer (daily average bond yields) 11.70 2023-11-24 Exchange rates i Nominal effective exchange rate (1) 75.37 2023-11-27 Rand per US Dollar (2) 18.8238 2023-11-27 Rand per British Pound (2) 23.7482 2023-11-27 Rand per Euro (2) 20.6064 2023-11-27 Rand per Japanese Yen (2) 0.1263 2023-11-27 London gold price per fine ounce (average of the day’s am and pm price fixings) i US Dollar 1998.03 2023-11-24 Rand 37802.22 2023-11-24 Footnotes The weighted average exchange rate of the rand is based on trade between South Africa and its twenty most important trading partners. Index: 2015=100. (See Article in June 2020 Quarterly Bulletin for various weights). Weighted average of the banks’ daily rates at approximately 10:30am. As from 1 April 2004, the rate reflected related to negotiable certificates of deposit (NCD’s) (instead of promissory notes). Replacing the Saonia+, Saonia, Forex Forwards and carry rate from 27 March 2007. Bankers Acceptances are no longer issued or traded. The last BA matured on 13 September 2013 and as a consequence publication of the BA rate has been discontinued. The R2023 government bond matured on 28 February 2023 and is therefore no longer published. The rate on the R2030 is published in its place.