What is the name of the fast food dish popular in South Africa? Here are some of the most delicious and popular South Africa street food which you must have, if you’re a foodie by heart. 1. Bunny Chow This is a very popular dish of South Africa and is loved by every local. This is not only a known street snack but is also included in the native foods of South Africa. A combination of bread and curry , this dish originated in the Durban Indian community and has made its way too many parts of South Africa, which is popularly known as bunny and can be found in some Indian restaurants in Cape Town. 2. Amagwiny This street food is also known as Vetkoek which is one of the famous street food in South Africa. You can easily spot a Vetkoek stall as it is almost at every street corner. There are many options through which you can choose your favorite Amagwinya. 3. Walkie Talkie The name walkie talkie refers to the chicken head and chicken feet which South Africans consider as a very delicious street delicacy. It comes in two forms i.e. boiled or braaied where both of them are fried and seasoned very nicely. The dish may not look that appetizing but once you try it you won’t be able to stop yourself. 4. Johnny’s Roti Popular as Durban street food snacks, this street snack is loved by the locals and the teenagers. Stuffed with mutton curry and cheese this mouthwatering dish is a local hangover dish. Though there are limited branches of this one place i.e. Johnny’s Roti but it is in popular places like Durban and Mowbray. 5. Smiley This dish is a sheep’s head but once you eat that juicy meat then you will love this weird looking dish. When the butchers would get the great or prime meat during the apartheid and the residents had to settle for the heads of the animals. This way the residents came up with smiley. The sheep heads are boiled and the fur is removed using metal rods. The meat is really tender and people devour it with bare hands. There are plenty of stalls in South Africa but you won’t find these on western menus. 6. Boerewors A popular food in South Africa and was not only originated in South Africa but also in Zimbabwe. To qualify as Boerewors the dish must have at least 90% of meat. It is thicker than a sausage and is known to be derived from a type of sausage made in the south of Ardour River in France. It is made up of beef mince and also has coriander, cloves and nutmeg added to it. 7. Biltong This is considered to be a staple food in South Africa and was originated in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. A salty dried piece of beef or kudu but sometimes can be of an ostrich or a rhino. The name is derived from the Dutch language where ‘bil’ means rump and ‘tong’ means tongue. If you eat it then it tastes like coriander, vinegar, black pepper and raw meat. Many stalls also sell soups and stews with biltong. 8. Kota This dish is like a type of bunny chow or a cousin of bunny. It is a blue collar basic. This staple food of petrol stations is a quarter loaf of bread that has hot chips topped on it. They also have Vienna and polony topped with tomato sauce added to it. This street food is not that familiar but one should have this as it is a part of the street food cuisine. 9. Boerie rolls This is another great street food which is delicious and stomach filling. It is a kind of hot dog but it only looks like one. This roll is a white bread with sausage, tomato sauce and fried onions topped on it. This staple South African food is enjoyed on a great evening with family or friends.